Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Outfit 53: All That Glitters is Gold

So this is another Sunday morning outfit, from a week ago in Richmond. I came home for the weekend to run in the Be The One Run for Be The Match on Saturday morning, and stayed the weekend. Since it was going to get cold again, I wanted to wear a dressy pants outfit for church on Sunday morning. I got a number of compliments on my outfit - my favorite being that I've grown up to look and dress like my mom! To many people I know that that wouldn't be much of a compliment, but if you've met my mom it is. She's very fashionable and puts just as much (if not more) thought into her outfits, and we've traded clothes for years. So being told that I look like her is quite a compliment :) 

Pants - CHKD Thrift Store (J. Crew) for $5

And also hilarious considering she picked out the top and I borrowed her belt for the outfit... The pants are J. Crew, and I got them from a CHKD thrift store in Newport News. They've been hard to match things with, since they are brown with gold stitching throughout, but when I can find a good outfit for them they are fun to wear :) I only paid about $5 for them! Great deal!

Jacket - Village Thrift $4

This jacket was a spontaneous purchase from the Village Thrift store in Newport News. I got it the same time I got my butterfly skirt from Outfit 52. I love this style of jacket - the buttons, the color, and the fit of it make it a great addition to a lot of outfits. I end up wearing it pretty frequently, actually! It went will with this outfit even though I wore it with the brown pants - sometimes it's okay to be matchy matchy :)

Blouse - Steinmart $20
I bought this shirt with my mom back in January. I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing that every time I'm home we go shopping... but my wardrobe always looks better after trips home, so I guess I can't complain! I love this shirt because it's such a great style. It's dressy, professional, stylish, and still manages to be fun at the same time. The ruffles down the front and the tie at the neck were not things I would have picked out for myself traditionally, but it's one of my favorite things in my wardrobe. I got it for $20 at Steinmart!

Forever 21 - $3
So this is my mom's belt - I forgot to bring home a belt to wear with these slacks for church so I had to raid her closet. Well this is one of the skinny belts I helped pick out for her for Christmas a couple years ago, and it went great with my outfit! Forever 21 for $3 - not bad!

Target - $5
And these earrings are my favorite - I got them at Target a couple weeks ago. They were on clearance for $5, and I love that they look pearly and are accented with gold - they look great with a lot of my outfits. 

I also wore an off-white tank top underneath my blouse, which I got at Target for $9. I love these tops and I would recommend them to anyone - right now they're on sale for $7! My heels were in Outfit 38.

Total Cost: $46

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