Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Outfit 58: Teal Skirt and Ribbon Halo

This was a great day. I slept well the night before, got ready for the day and cleaned my apartment within about an hour and a half before my family showed up. I actually put this outfit together in less than 5 minutes - most of which I hadn't worn in quite some time, and certainly not all together! We went to lunch and then to the Newport News Fall Festival, which was a lot of fun. I should have worn different shoes, but I still enjoyed the whole experience.

Without the jacket, which is how I wore the outfit most of the day anyway. I thought I hadn't featured the jacket before, but it was actually in Outfit 53. I think I talked about these tank tops a while back, but I absolutely love them. That's Target for you! I think I have 5 or 6 in different colors... I wear them all. the. time. $9 for a basic, comfortable, and flattering top? It's a no-brainer.

Belt: $1.50 - Thrift Store

This belt is so awesome! I found this at a thrift store at least a year ago, and actually never knew how to wear it. But once I put together this outfit I knew it was missing something... and I knew just what to look for! It matched the color of my shirt and shoes perfectly - and was the missing piece for this outfit. The fact that it was only $1.50 doesn't hurt either :)

Skirt - $4 Village Thrift
The skirt was a thrift store find at Village Thrift this past spring. I've only worn it a couple times, but with the warm weather this weekend I wanted to wear something other jeans, since it was going to get cold (and ugh, it has!). I love this color, and it was so fun with the pattern in the front that I figured it was a good casual outfit for a day with the family.

Boots: Target - $9

These boots were a Target find, again. I should probably just wear a sign that says "If you like my outfits, go to Target." Or maybe just place QR codes all over my clothes so people can find them. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this was a pair that I picked up, glanced at, saw was on clearance, tried on, realized they were a perfect fit and under $10, and obviously bought immediately afterwards.

Ribbon Halo: $3 - Fall Festival
Oh, and the halo. Well, I'm truly a child at heart. And really a princess child at heart. Like Disney, fairy princess. So when we were wandering around the park at the festival, I was drawn to this stand with tons of these halos on them! My sister and I took one look at them, and she knew I had to get one immediately. Too embarrassed to purchase my own halo, I insisted that she get one as well and then gave her money so the lady at the booth wouldn't realize I was actually one of the girls getting the halo. Though I'm sure after I put it on she realized anyway. I love it - there's just something so fun, carefree, and whimsical about it.
Earrings: $5 - Claires

I could have sworn I featured these earrings before! I guess not though - I couldn't find them anywhere on the blog. Oh well. I love these though - they are teal, have jewels in them, and are mostly feathers! They were the perfect finishing touch for my outfit - very earthy, edgy, and fun which matched my outfit perfectly. And festivals are the perfect time to break out the feather earrings! I definitely saw a lot of handmade ones out there, so I at least knew I was on top of my style :)

Total Cost: $31.50

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