Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Life After Graduation

You know, it's crazy how quickly life goes by. It was a year and a half ago that I started this blog (at least) and it truly feels like yesterday. Yesterday in some senses, but a lifetime ago in others. So, the last time I posted wasn't supposed to be my last post for a year. But google merged my account with my other google account, meaning I lost access to blogger until it informed me that I was using some crazy email address I didn't even know I had attached to my name. So I wrestled with that for a bit (I am not a friend of technology- I like it just fine but it feels differently about me), and finally have access! Of course I couldn't merge my blogger-associated google account with my personal google account I already use, so I had to create a new account. Jeez, google, if only you'd realize that you'd use a fraction of the cyberspace by allowing people to merge accounts then my life would be so much easier!

Oh well, I guess there are worse things than having multiple google accounts.

Point is, the blog is back, and I am intent on finishing it! But I suppose I should preface this with what I've been up to. Man is that a lot.

Okay. So.

The short version is that I've now graduated college and work at NASA DEVELOP as a manager for our Langley location. So I play scientist and manager, though more manager. I still don't know what I want to do with my life, and was looking for jobs recently online and wanted to cry. Anyway, I live on my own, I still don't have a cat, and I bought a guitar and have been taking an ASL class at church. I like to read... watch Burn Notice (I'm TOTALLY addicted)... and I want to experience life to the fullest. I don't know how. We'll see what happens.

Me and Astronaut Anna Fischer
This is a picture from a business trip I went on- to Richmond for Aerospace Days. NASA employees and contractors working at NASA meet up with other aerospace leaders to convey to delegates and senators of VA how important our work is and to thank them for their support. This year I was given the opportunity to attend, and got to talk with Anna Fischer, a NASA astronaut who has done some remarkable things! She was really cool and down to earth (no pun intended). Anyway, this is just one example of what I've been up to.

Back to the blog: my style has changed a bit. I've traded out some old things for some new things (okay, some might be an understatement), I've spent a considerable amount of time in the professional workforce so I'm finally learning how to look professional and still be me. So I'm hoping that once I make the time I can get this project completed! I hate leaving things unfinished, so I'm looking forward to putting this behind me. Don't get me wrong, it's been fun, but I'm ready to add something else to my repertoire!


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