Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Outfit 49: Gray Jacket and Coral Bag

Just a normal Saturday for me!
 I know, I know. My pictures belong on myspace, not on a blog. I guess I could try to figure out how to set my camera on a timer and not get a mirror picture, but honestly, this is easier. So, what do you think? Cute mirror? Haha, it's been difficult to get pictures of my outfits without roommates or residents to solicit help from. Living alone has its pros and cons, I suppose.

So, a typical Saturday for me consists of sleeping in, going to PetCo to make sure things run smoothly for my volunteers, and take pictures of the cats to put on our facebook page. I'm a volunteer coordinator for the Peninsula Humane Foundation (PHF) in my spare (ha!) time, and Saturdays are usually my day to go up there and make sure we're doing okay. Then I usually go shopping - so this is just a basic outfit I can wear around almost anywhere!

$15 - Ross
I am so in love with this coral bag. This is definitely the color of the season! I think it's great, and since I can only wear a limited amount of this color without looking washed out, having a bag this color is a great way to look like I'm keeping up with the trends :) I will also say that this bag is great because I don't have to hold onto it while I'm out! Even with a one shoulder bag like all of my other purses, I feel like I'm constantly having to hold on to them just to keep them on my shoulder. With this one- I have my hands free to select more clothes to try on! I mean, that is what it's for, right? Haha, but really I saw this at Ross one day, picked it up and never put it back down. It was only $15, and I take it everywhere. LOVE.

Gift ($3 - Shipwreck)
My mom got this necklace for me a long time ago- actually, before I even started the blog. I have no idea why it was never featured (I just sifted through all my old posts!) because I love it. It was only $3 and we found it at a little souvenir shop in the Outer Banks, called the Shipwreck. It's my favorite little shop down there- we've gone for years and years and this was a little treasure to take back with me.

Hand-me-down (Express)
 I know, it's a bit awkward to take a picture of my butt. I don't care for it either, but the best way to show off jeans is to show the pocket design on the back, as that's usually the way to tell what brand they are! Not sure if you can even tell in this picture, but I'm not zooming in, lol! These jeans are Express, and they are actually a hand-me-down from my roommate last fall. She couldn't use them anymore so she gave them to me - it was AWESOME to live with someone who wore the same size as me! Love her! I probably wear these jeans the most out of any of my other ones- they're comfy and can easily be dressed up or down depending on what I want to do. Or in between, as this outfit called for.

$16 - Ross
And now for the other part of this outfit the title is for! I just LOVE this jacket. I actually bought it back in October when I went shopping with one of my best friends in Richmond. I credit her with my ability to shop all day and spend ridiculous amounts of money, but also always getting the most bang for my buck. I think every time we go shopping we each say "That's cute... but not for $xxx." So at least we keep each other in check! It was really funny when I got this jacket though, because we were in Ross and she pulled it out laughing, and said "I don't even know how you'd wear this!!" and I said, "Hold onto it, and I'll show you how you wear it." Lo and behold, I bought it. For $16 and being representative of me, as she said, it was kind of a no-brainer. And I love it. I have it paired with a basic black cami here.

I don't remember what earrings I wore that day, but they were probably little studs. I wore my butterfly converses ($22), which were first featured in Outfit 6. Surprisingly, that's the only outfit they're in! I actually wear them quite a lot now, so I'm really shocked they weren't in any other posts. 
Total Cost: $56

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