Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Outfit 53: All That Glitters is Gold

So this is another Sunday morning outfit, from a week ago in Richmond. I came home for the weekend to run in the Be The One Run for Be The Match on Saturday morning, and stayed the weekend. Since it was going to get cold again, I wanted to wear a dressy pants outfit for church on Sunday morning. I got a number of compliments on my outfit - my favorite being that I've grown up to look and dress like my mom! To many people I know that that wouldn't be much of a compliment, but if you've met my mom it is. She's very fashionable and puts just as much (if not more) thought into her outfits, and we've traded clothes for years. So being told that I look like her is quite a compliment :) 

Pants - CHKD Thrift Store (J. Crew) for $5

And also hilarious considering she picked out the top and I borrowed her belt for the outfit... The pants are J. Crew, and I got them from a CHKD thrift store in Newport News. They've been hard to match things with, since they are brown with gold stitching throughout, but when I can find a good outfit for them they are fun to wear :) I only paid about $5 for them! Great deal!

Jacket - Village Thrift $4

This jacket was a spontaneous purchase from the Village Thrift store in Newport News. I got it the same time I got my butterfly skirt from Outfit 52. I love this style of jacket - the buttons, the color, and the fit of it make it a great addition to a lot of outfits. I end up wearing it pretty frequently, actually! It went will with this outfit even though I wore it with the brown pants - sometimes it's okay to be matchy matchy :)

Blouse - Steinmart $20
I bought this shirt with my mom back in January. I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing that every time I'm home we go shopping... but my wardrobe always looks better after trips home, so I guess I can't complain! I love this shirt because it's such a great style. It's dressy, professional, stylish, and still manages to be fun at the same time. The ruffles down the front and the tie at the neck were not things I would have picked out for myself traditionally, but it's one of my favorite things in my wardrobe. I got it for $20 at Steinmart!

Forever 21 - $3
So this is my mom's belt - I forgot to bring home a belt to wear with these slacks for church so I had to raid her closet. Well this is one of the skinny belts I helped pick out for her for Christmas a couple years ago, and it went great with my outfit! Forever 21 for $3 - not bad!

Target - $5
And these earrings are my favorite - I got them at Target a couple weeks ago. They were on clearance for $5, and I love that they look pearly and are accented with gold - they look great with a lot of my outfits. 

I also wore an off-white tank top underneath my blouse, which I got at Target for $9. I love these tops and I would recommend them to anyone - right now they're on sale for $7! My heels were in Outfit 38.

Total Cost: $46

Outfit 52: Easter Sunday and BUTTERFLIES!

It's been a few weeks since I've posted, but I have been taking pictures, at least! Right when I started back up with the blog, our dress code for work switched from professional to casual, so a lot of the outfits I was wearing were things I'd already featured. Or maybe that's just my justification for not keeping up with the blog like I would like to. Anyway, three weeks ago was Easter Sunday, and I of course wanted to dress up for it. It was chilly in the morning, so I wasn't sure how many layers I would need to wear, but I was actually quite comfortable in this outfit the entire day, so that was a nice surprise! Especially since I went to church for the 7:30AM service! 

Skirt - Village Thrift for $10
So I went for bright colors that conveniently also match my mirror! So everything looks very coordinated, but that was not intentional. I also spent extra time curling my hair in between church and Easter lunch, which is the first time I've done that in years. So I felt very dressed up! The skirt was an on a whim purchase at a nearby thrift store (Village Thrift in Newport News). I went in back in January to get a few things and stumbled upon this skirt. It's from Talbots, which my mom and aunt love, so I knew pretty quickly this was a keeper. Not to mention that it was on the boutique rack at the thrift store, meaning it's brand name and brand new, was only $10, and had butterflies all over it. So what better skirt to wear on Easter Sunday than a colorful butterfly one? 
T-shirt - Target for $4; Cami - Kohl's for $10

I layered a pink cami under a hot pink boyfriend T-shirt from Target (I have four in different colors). I don't wear them much anymore, but they are very useful when I need something casual and in a solid color! This one was about $5 and I got it a couple years ago. The pink cami was from Kohls and I've had it for a few years too - it was probably only about $10. I have at least four or five of them in different colors too... I'd definitely recommend them!

Cardigan - Ross for $7

I've featured this white cardigan in outifts in the past (Outfit 27Outfit 26Outfit 10, and Outfit 4) but since it's been a while I'll post it again. It's a great addition to a lot of my outfits, it's easy to throw on over something and keep it looking nice. I got it at Ross (one of my favorite stores) for only $7. 

CHKD Thrift Store - $7

I got these shoes last summer while thrifting. I was in desperate need for brown flats, and while these have a bit of a heel they have served me well! Surprisingly I just found another pair of brown flats at the same thrift store (CHKD in Hampton) the other night, so I think I know where I'm going from now on for brown flats!

Cross necklace - gift from parents

I've had this necklace for years - I honestly don't remember when I got it. My mom says I got it when I was confirmed in the Methodist Church when I was 12. She brought it down for me when I was baptized at Liberty Baptist Church on August 7th this past summer. So it definitely has a lot of sentimental value to me. Plus it serves as a constant reminder to me as to where I am in my life and why, and keeps me focused on what's truly important. And on Easter Sunday, it is all about the cross! Without it there would be no point in living.

Happy Easter... three weeks late!
Total outfit cost: $38