Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Outfit 56: Khaki Dress Pants and Purple Shirt

 This was a last minute outfit, but I really enjoyed how it came together! I've had most of these pieces for a while now, and it's starting to get cold again, so I can make new combinations to spice up my wardrobe. The pants are definitely different, so it took a few tries to find something that went with them. But I got a lot of compliments, so I think means it turned out alright :)

Black cardigan - $12

The first piece I'll talk about is the black sweater. It's been in a number of outfits before, but I stopped mentioning it because it was such a basic. But it still serves me well, and is easily paired with almost any top and a cute belt. Perfect for layering this outfit! The belt was in a couple posts ago, but it was truly a great find years ago and pulled this outfit together with a little bit more flare :)

Purple Shirt - Steinmart $20

This shirt was a purchase from Steinmart last winter. I went on a shopping trip with my mom for some professional clothes, and this was one of the things I ended up with. I just love it - it's a beautiful color, has a great shape to it, and is very flattering. And I can wear it with just about anything - black, brown, khaki! It was $20, and was worth every penny.

Pants - Thrift Store (Cache) $5

These pants were a thrift store find a couple years ago - and only for $5 or 6! They're Cache, so I knew instantly that if they fit me I needed to get them. The catch with them is that they have such a wide leg on them, and are so long, that I have to wear them with tall heels. So it can be difficult to construct an outfit around that. Thankfully, I have enough shoes to do just that! I did get a couple questions about them (most people loved them, my boyfriend seemed skeptical at first) but I just love them.

Earrings - $3 (in a set)

These earrings have gotten higher on my list of favorite earrings. I've definitely been drawn more and more to studs in the last year or so, and I really like these because they're small but still have some character to them. Plus they're purple, and matched my outfit nicely!

The final pieces of my outfit were my shoes - my wonderful, gorgeous, edgy shoes from Outfit 54! I loved this outfit, though my feet felt otherwise after was at work for a long day and didn't get home until after 10PM!

Total Cost: $40

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