Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Long time no post...

Okay, so I definitely dropped off the face of the web for the past two months. I don't think I've even logged into my blog since my last post... things got so crazy! Once the semester really picked up, I had a ton of huge papers due, tests to study for, events to plan, and I've probably blocked out anything else that was going on at the time. Basically, it was too much for me to keep up with. And my camera broke, and my computer ran out of memory to even upload the pictures so... I took everything as a sign that I needed a break!
Rhett, one of the two orange tabbies in my family and the subject of my photo shoot one afternoon.

So, I got a new camera for Christmas (it's amazing, I love it), cleaned out my computer (who knew, it runs so much faster now...) and started wearing cute clothes again! Though, I did come to a conclusion over winter break: I own too much stuff. Not just clothes- I have too much stuff in general. It's actually disgusting! For example, I cleaned out my desk the other day and found that I had 3 3-hole punch thingys. I don't know where they came from or why I kept them, but I'm getting rid of the extra two! So, one of my new years resolutions is to wear it or donate it (that applies to clothes only, obviously). And, I'm not shopping anymore. For myself. For clothes. Granted there will be some things that I might need, but I'm not going to buy something just because it's on sale, in my color, adorable, or I could find an outfit to wear it with. I shopped enough over break that I had to buy more hangers when I came back to school! And my dress collection is close to 50 now- if not beyond that.

The other cat, Scarlett, posing for the camera so I could get some good photos of her too!
This will definitely be difficult for me. Through some sort of self-discovery, I've realized that having amazing outfits and cute clothes wasn't so much about looking good or feeling great about myself- it was to hide whatever else I've been trying to avoid confronting in my life. While there are definitely worse things to hide behind, none of it has been healthy. So my goal with this blog now is to realize what I wear, be more comfortable with that, and get rid of the rest. And I still want to have fun with it- so enjoy! There's so much I haven't worn yet, so I'll definitely have a lot more outfits to show!

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