Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Outfit 30: Off-White Sweater and Amber Bracelet

I wore this outfit for our first day in Asheville, NC! Spending fall break in the mountains was heavenly. On Saturday, we went to downtown Asheville to walk around the city and enjoy the gorgeous fall weather. There was an art festival there, so we stayed there for a while before heading on to do other things!

Shirt: Forever 21 - Gift

My mom got me the shirt/sweater for Christmas about two years ago, and I have to say I wasn't sure about it at first. But once I put it on, I fell in love. It's so warm and cozy, and I love that it has a hood! The design is fun- it's not something I would have picked out for myself, but I really like it now that it's grown on me. This was a perfect top for a day in the mountains- light enough for the sun, but warm enough to keep the wind out!

Amber bracelet: Gift
My bracelet is the newest addition to my wardrobe. When we were out at the art festival, we stopped to look at the jewelry that one of the venders had. It was all handmade, for very reasonable prices, and was great quality. Since my aunt and sister make a lot of jewelry, I'm pretty familiar with the terms and some of the materials. Also, I LOVE geology (my dream job would be to be a geologist), I know a lot about minerals and rocks and such. This one bracelet my boyfriend's mom picked up and was talking about, since it had a piece of amber in it. She held it against my arm, and then said that she was going to get it for me! I was so flattered and surprised- it's a gorgeous piece of jewelry, and it was such a sweet gesture. I've been admiring it since!

My jeans ($40) were in Outfit 3, with my belt, and my tank top ($8) was in Outfit 18. My boots were in Outfit 19. The earrings I wore for this outfit were in Outfit 5! This outfit was great for a casual day in the mountains! 
Total Cost: $48

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