Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Outfit 31: Blue Shirt and Black Ankle Boots

Since we were headed to church, even though it was a casual Sunday, I wanted to wear my boots since I brought them along! So to match the rest of the outfit, I went for comfort and style in layers. Perfect again for the mountains!

Shirt: Village Thrift - $3
The blue long-sleeve shirt is from my favorite thrift store, Village Thrift, and I got it for $3 last spring! It's J Crew, and what I've found is that it's held it's shape incredibly well. I love this shirt- it's very flattering and comfy! It works perfectly for my layering idea too, and looks awesome with a white tank top underneath it!
Boots: Village Thrift - $5
I found my boots at my favorite local thrift store when I went shopping with my family last weekend. I had just gone into the thrift store the night before and bought a different pair of boots, but when I went in again the next day they had just gotten these boots! I couldn't see the price on the bottom, so after I tried them on and justified why I was buying yet another pair of boots I had to ask the cashier how much they were. She said they were $5, and she had just put them out! I bought them immediately. They are so pretty, and so warm! I am in love with these shoes.

My jeans ($12) are in Outfit 6, Outfit 11, Outfit 22, Outfit 24, and Outfit 28. My necklace was in Outfit 14 and Outfit 25. My earrings were the same as the day before- so they were in Outfit 5 and Outfit 30. This outfit was great for the day- but I was happy to change into sneakers and a t-shirt for a hike in the woods!
Total Cost: $20

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