Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Outfit 14: Yellow Dress and Butterfly Necklace

Summer dress for the first day of fall!

Today's outfit was one that I'd worn recently, but I loved it so much I wanted to wear it again, while the weather was still warm! I don't have many things that are yellow, and I LOVE the pattern of the skirt! It's such a pretty, girly dress and is easily a favorite outfit now :)

Dress: Kohl's - $6

I bought the dress on a clearance rack at Kohl's a few weeks ago! I was out with my sister and my boyfriend, and we needed to go into Kohl's to search for something. While my boyfriend was out looking for things, my sister and I literally ran to the clearance racks because the sales were so ridiculous. I tried on so many things- but when I put this dress on, I got so excited I knew that I'd be getting it. And the best part- it only cost me $6!!! I love the tulle under the skirt- it's just so much fun!!!
Black sweater: Marshall's - $12

The black sweater was a purchase from Marshall's a couple years ago. I got it for $12 during the summer, and it's been such a great sweater to wear over anything! I love the poofy shoulders, and the length of it. It definitely makes an outfit look longer and breaks up the color of this skirt perfectly.

Bracelets: Gifts
The bracelets were both gifts for my birthday! I got the one with larger circles and beads for my 19th birthday from the guy I was dating, which was actually more of an insult at the time than a gift. He went into the jewelry store and said "I'd like to buy a bracelet for a girl who doesn't wear bracelets." We'd been dating for two years, I rarely ever wore bracelets and actually said I didn't want any, and he went out and bought me one. But, now I really appreciate it as a pretty piece of jewelry and can enjoy wearing it as I've incorporated bracelets into my wardrobe. My second bracelet, the small silver string of beads, was a gift to me for my 21st birthday from my sister! It was such a sweet gift, and is a gorgeous bracelet that I love wearing!

Kohl's- Gift
My necklace is extremely special to me. When we were shopping at Kohl's and I was deciding to get the yellow dress, my boyfriend was trying to secretly get me something. But the cashiers were taking forever, and evidently I kept coming up to him at all the wrong times. So he finally had to tell me that he was trying to surprise me, and I  got the hint and went to the car to wait. When he came out of the store he had this bright blue case in his hands, and gave it to me! Inside was this gorgeous butterfly necklace. I absolutely love it- it's the only butterfly necklace I have or would ever want. It's definitely one of the sweetest gifts I've ever been given.

The shoes ($20) and belt ($3) were in Outfit 1 and the earrings were in Outfit 2. Because I've worn the shoes so many times, I'm not going to be calculating them in my total costs anymore. Overall, I love this outfit for the colors and the brightness- and of course all the wonderful jewelry! It's been a great day :)
Total Cost: $21

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