Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Outfit 41: Green Dress

So, I have actually been trying to dress nicely for the past week. However, I've been so insanely busy that I barely have time to slow down long enough to take pictures and upload them before passing out. Also, my camera battery decided to completely give out on me, so I've had neither the time nor the camera to work on my blog. But for now I still have my sister's camera, and hopefully I'll start having more time soon! This outfit was pulled together because I wanted to wear a dress and boots, but it was supposed to be around 38 degrees in the morning... so I had to do something with the dress to make it wearable in this weather. I actually didn't like this outfit at all- I love the dress and the pieces individually, but I'm just not feeling this outfit as a whole.

Dress: Marshall's

I bought the dress right before graduation my senior year of high school. I wanted something new for my graduation party, so I went to Marshall's and fell in love with this dress! I love the pockets on it- it's very cute and very flowy. I think the dress cost me $16, but it was so long ago I don't remember for sure.

Earrings: Target - $4

The earrings are a personal favorite of mine- I think I got them last year at Target for $4... but I remember going to a lot of stores the day I bought these, so it's possible I'm mistaken. These are so much fun- I love how long they are, and that they're green! I've always loved long dangly earrings, and these work so well with almost any outfit.

I'm not picturing my brown turtleneck separately because it's a basic piece of my wardrobe. This one was only $5 at Kohl's, and it's great to wear on it's own or layering. I get so cold in the winter time (or the fall, obviously) so I like to have warm clothes like this to wear. My boots ($12) were in Outfit 17.
Total Cost: $37

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Outfit 40: Gray Hoodie

I went for an outfit today that would keep me warm despite the wind chill. While I ended up wearing a sweatshirt over it the entire time I was out, I still wore a new outfit!

Shirt: Kohl's - $?
I bought the shirt years ago from Kohl's, and don't wear it very much because it's an awkward length and is very thin. It works best with winter clothes, but doesn't keep me very warm. And as much as I hate the cold, I have to have warm clothes! I like that it has a hoodie, and even though gray is a color I try to stay away from, I like the simple designs on it.
Bracelet: Gift

My bracelet was a gift from my godparents a few years ago. It's such a thoughtful gift- it has pianos and music notes on it. It's beautiful, and is expressive of one of my passions. I absolutely love it.

My earrings ($1.50) were in Outfit 6, my boots ($5) were in Outfit 31, Outfit 32 , and Outfit 34, and my jeans ($12) were in Outfit 6, Outfit 11, Outfit 22, Outfit 24, Outfit 28, Outfit 31, and Outfit 35
Total Cost: $18.50

Monday, November 1, 2010

Outfit 39: Professional Dress

Since I had a speaker to go to tonight that required my dressing up, I decided to spend the first part of my day in sweatpants and a T-shirt until I had to put on my heels and blazer. Each part of my outfit was a steal, and I love how it all came together! I had quite a few things I'd never worn before!
Blazer: CHKD Thrift Store - $7

The blazer was my only thrift store purchase for this outfit- and it was definitely quite a find. I bought it a couple of weeks ago at a CHKD thrift store, and when I saw how well made it was, and that it was only $7 I knew it would be a good investment. The blazer from Outfit 37 is shorter, more fitted, and a little bit trendier, and this one is more professional and sleeker. I figured I would try it out for tonight!

Since the outfit has much more personality to it without the blazer, I wanted to take a picture of that too! I really like the idea of having a bigger top and tucking it into the high-waisted pencil skirt, as it looks more professional and is more modest, generally. It worked with this outfit quite well, and while I kept the blazer on, I could have gotten away with taken it off during the speaker.
Shirt: Target - $3

I bought the shirt from Target on a clearance rack (of course) about a month ago. I got quite a few things on clearance that trip, and I was really pleased with this! It's longer, as you can see I tucked it in, so it doesn't have much shape to work with. But for $3 I was willing to see what I could do with it!

Skirt: Target - $8

The pencil skirt was also from a clearance rack of Target, when I went through my "need professional clothes" phase. It only cost me $8, and this is the first time I've worn it! Because it's a looser fit I hadn't figure out the best way to wear it, but I think I finally found the right outfit for it. I love the bow style on the front too- it gives it some more character.

Earrings: Christmas Gift
 My earrings were a Christmas present from my "brother." He's one of my best friends, and because we're so close we consider each other brother and sister. These earrings are very pretty and dainty, and I like them because they are classic. They definitely matched the style and the design of my shirt, so I thought they looked great with my pearls and outfit tonight!

My shoes ($12) were in Outfit 25, and my necklace ($4) was in Outfit 10 and Outfit 26. I'm really pleased with how this outfit turned out! It wasn't the most comfortable, but I think it was quite classy and professional. Definitely made having to get dressed up on a cold day more bearable. 
Total Cost: $34

Outfit 38: Orange and Gold

Girl's Night Out

I'm finding that my motivation to dress well is decreasing with the temperature. Quite unfortunate. I'm hoping that my commitment to this blog will keep me at least thinking about my outfits! I picked this out for Saturday, because I had plans to go out for a girl's night and all of my other clothes were dirty. Well, not all of them, but I was already going to wear jeans and I was almost completely out, except for 2 pairs of skinny jeans.

I bought the shirt quite a few years ago, but I can't remember where it was from or how much it cost. I love the style of it- and the gold sequins make it perfect for going out. I'd never wear this to class or just around, so it was nice to have a reason to wear it! It's also comfy, and since we were out for quite a while, it was nice to not have something form-fitting.

The shoes were a steal from probably Payless or another shoe store. I got them forever ago, and I can't remember how much they cost. I've only worn them a few times, as wearing gold heels with a normal outfit does not work. I probably could have gone with black and it would have looked better for this outfit, but I also wanted to wear something that I hadn't already featured! These are quite comfortable, and were a great touch.

The jeans ($40) were in Outfit 4, Outfit 21, and Outfit 37. The sweater ($12) was in Outfit 14 and Outfit 33. The earrings ($3) were in Outfit 24, the necklace ($5) was in Outfit 8 and Outfit 16, and the bracelets ($1) in Outfit 18. This was a great outfit for going out, but I probably could have worn a few more layers- it was cold!
Total Cost: $61

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Outfit 37: White Blouse and Blazer

Today's outfit was pretty last minute. I woke up late this morning, threw on jeans and a t-shirt and ran to class to take a test. So after I got back I actually thought about what I wanted to wear! I didn't want to bother with a dress, and I still haven't done laundry, so the jeans I have are limiting me. But I pulled these few pieces out of my wardrobe to see if they went together, and to pull something together. I'm pretty happy with what I got!
Shirt: Thrift Store - $3
The blouse is from a thrift store in Richmond, and it was only $3. I love the crystal button accents. They give the shirt just a little bit more style, but are still classy and elegant. This shirt is a little low-cut for a blouse, so I have to be careful about that, but I like that it can be both trendy and professional. To give it more shape and a boost of style, I added the belt, which looks great with the shoes and jacket.
Blazer: Hand-me-down

The blazer was a hand-me-down from one of my best friends, when she cleaned out her closet a couple years ago. I didn't have a blazer at that point- not that I really needed one, but it has proved to be an essential part of my wardrobe! I've worn it to a number of interviews, presentations, etc. It's very flattering and dresses up any outfit.

My jeans ($40) were in Outfit 4 and Outfit 21. My belt was in Outfit 6Outfit 13, and Outfit 26. My shoes were in  Outfit 1, Outfit 2, Outfit 4, Outfit 10, Outfit 11, Outfit 13, Outfit 14, Outfit 24, Outfit 26, Outfit 27, and Outfit 36. My earrings ($5) were in Outfit 4, Outfit 9, Outfit 32 and Outfit 33
Total Cost: $48

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Outfit 36: Blue Gypsy Skirt

This is my absolute favorite outfit of all time. I know I say I have favorites- but this is the one that trumps them all. I love wearing this outfit so much, but because the skirt stands out so much, I try not to wear it frequently. The more I wear it, the more people see me wearing it, and before long that's all I hear, "Weren't you wearing that last time?" So, with the weather the way it was, and my wardrobe depleting (I haven't done laundry in a few weeks), I turned to my favorite gypsy outfit!

Skirt: Forever 21 ($35 6 years ago)
The skirt, 6 or 7 years ago, was a splurge of a purchase for me. I was shopping with my best friend at the time and her mom, and we went to the mall. I'm also pretty sure this was before I could drive- so I've definitely had this skirt for a while! We went into Forever 21, and I instantly gravitated to this skirt- and it was the last one left. I tried it on, and it was a few sizes too big. But, I really was in love. After convincing me to take it to be altered after I bought it, I paid $35 (back in early high school that was a lot of money) and left the store in one of the happiest moods. I feel like a glamorous gypsy, if there is such a thing, when I wear this skirt. I love to spin and watch the skirt fly out- and who can resist the gold sequins? It's amazing.

Shirt: Kohl's ($10 4 years ago)

The shirt is from Kohl's, and I really only wear it to match the skirt these days. I love it, but it's been in my wardrobe for so long I often forget about it! It has glittery thread in it, and is all around extremely flattering. I bought it my senior year of high school, and I think I only paid $10 for it. It has served me well since!

Earrings: H&M - $5

My earrings are from H&M, and I've had them since high school as well. They go with almost anything, and I've had quite a few friends borrow them for different occasions. They're trendy and classy, and match perfectly with this outfit. And even though they don't quite match my pearls, it still works. They were cheap too- only $5!

My shoes were in Outfit 1, Outfit 2, Outfit 4, Outfit 10, Outfit 11, Outfit 13, Outfit 14, Outfit 24, Outfit 26, and  Outfit 27. My pearls were in Outfit 3
So, the total cost for today's outfit is really $0, since I've worn the shoes so much, and have had everything else for a really long time. And, because I can...
Photography: Erin Greer
This was taken 2 years ago when one of my best friends and I decided to do a fun photo shoot. While my outfit's not exactly the same, it's close enough! And this is what I would do to dress it up (curl my hair and add heels). Love it!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Outfit 35: Green Blouse

I definitely didn't expect it to be so warm today, otherwise I probably wouldn't have worn this outfit. But it was cute, regardless! I like the color scheme, and even though I've been running on little sleep and a weird schedule, wearing the boots helped me feel like I was a little bit more with it today.

Shirt: Thrift Store: $2.50
I bought the shirt this summer with my mom when we she took me to a nearby thrift store at home! They were having a sale on everything- 50% off! So, instead of paying $5 for this shirt we only paid $2.50. I love the style of it- it's dressy but is so relaxed and artsy that I could wear it anyway I wanted. And since green is my favorite color, I had to get it. I also like that it has the tie-belt, rather than me having to pull out one of my own belts- it makes the outfit simpler and allows me to wear my jacket over it (not that I needed it though).

Jacket: Probably Kohl's?
 The jacket has been in my wardrobe for years- it's difficult to wear with most other things in my wardrobe, but the color and the style worked really well with this shirt today. It's probably the only thing that resembles "country" if I can call that a style, that I really have (other than my brown boots that kinda look like cowboy boots). I like it, because it's unique for me. And, I probably got it from Kohl's but I honestly don't remember.
Earrings: Gift

These earrings were a gift from my sister a few years ago. She loves to make jewelry, and between her and my aunt, I always have the cutest earrings from my family! Knowing how much I love dangly earrings, she added my favorite colors to make them even cuter! I've gotten away from wearing longer earrings in the past year or so, but I definitely think that a special pair of earrings can take an outfit to a new level.

My jeans ($12) were in  Outfit 6, Outfit 11, Outfit 22, Outfit 24, Outfit 28, and Outfit 31, my boots ($7) were in Outfit 22, and my bracelet ($1) was in Outfit 7.
Total Cost: $22.50

Friday, October 22, 2010

Outfit 34: Black, Gray, and White Dress

Outfit with the Coat

 Today's outfit is similar to yesterday's, but with a different style to it. I would say that yesterday's was a little bit edgier, and this one has a little bit more "class" to it. And I have a new element to discuss today! I have a lot of jackets and hoodies, but the weather's been pretty warm and I haven't really talked about them much. I've decided to start, and the first will be about my beautiful teal trench coat.
Coat: Gift
This coat was a Christmas present from my boyfriend last year. We were in Target shopping over winter break, and I immediately saw this coat (I had seen it over Thanksgiving break but hadn't gotten it) on one of the sale racks and went straight for it. After I tried it on, my boyfriend surprised me by getting it for me! I have loved wearing it, and get compliments on it a lot. The color is great, and while it's not waterproof (so no, it's not a rain coat) it's really great for the days that can't decide how warm or cold the will be!
Outfit without Coat

The coat definitely makes the outfit look great whether I'm outside or in, but I really do love the outfit itself. I wear the coat so much, so I probably won't talk about it with another outfit, but it really did look so well put together with the black tights and ankle boots today!
Dress: TJ Maxx - $7

The dress was a recent purchase from TJ Maxx. But, I almost got the same exact dress back in the summer when I was shopping for a new dress- and I ended up putting it back. So when I went in two weeks ago and saw this on clearance for $7, I knew that I had to get it. I love the classic colors, and I knew that it would look great in the summer or winter! I really like the way the black tights and ankle boots look with it- a little bit dressier but still fun and trendy!
Necklace: Gift

The necklace was a Christmas present from a close friend two years ago. We had gone shopping at the mall, and one of my other friends had just gotten a crystal set of jewelry that I really admired. So when I was out shopping, I saw something that struck my eye and went over to look at it. I really didn't expect to get it for Christmas! But my friend surprised me by getting this necklace with matching earrings, and they are so gorgeous. Having a crystal set is definitely an essential for a young woman's wardrobe.

My cardigan was in Outfit 25, my earrings in Outfit 5, Outfit 30, and Outfit 31, my bracelet in Outfit 10 and Outfit 25, my boots ($5) in  Outfit 31 and Outfit 32. I totally thought I had already worn my ring, but I guess not! I'll have to picture it next time- it's one of my favorite butterfly rings. 
Total Cost: $12   

Outfit 33: Pink Plaid Dress

Today's outfit is one of my "go to" outfits. I really wanted to wear a dress (my jeans are dirty), but the weather is starting to get cold, and I had to wear tights or leggings. I haven't worn this dress since last winter, so it was time to pull it out again! It ended up being a perfect outfit- just light enough but kept me warm!

Dress: Target - $3

 I bought the dress when I was shopping with one of my old friends, or one of my "wives," as I call her, back in December of last year. We went to the Target right next to her apartment, and were poking around for the fun of it when she pulled out this dress and handed it to me! It was less than $3, so I obviously had to try it on. And when it fit perfectly, she convinced me to get it! Well, it didn't take much convincing. It was practically free! But, I love the dress, and even though it's short it looks great with my black tights!
Boots: Gift
The boots were a Christmas gift two years ago, from my aunt and uncle! I had asked for these specifically, because I knew how useful, comfortable, and warm they would be! The definitely have been. I actually had on a different pair of boots at first, but I had them on for no longer than 10 minutes out walking around and my feet were literally burning. As soon as I got back to my room I took them off, and even though, a day later, they still hurt, I've managed. I will be investing in inserts to cushion them as soon as possible!
Necklace: Village Thrift - $3

I bought the necklace last year at Village Thrift, for a few dollars. Finding jewelry at a thrift store is always hit or miss- you really never know what you're going to find. When I found these beads I knew I had to get them- they were cheap and would go with almost anything! So I picked them up, and they really do look great with almost everything I have, it just depends on how I want to wear things :)
Ring: Forever 21 - $6

My ring is Forever 21, and I bought it the same time I bought 3 of my other butterfly rings. It was the first one I picked up though, because of it's brilliant color! I love the hot pink, obviously, and it was a perfect match for my hot pink dress!

These tights I actually got from Five Below (kind of random, I know), but they were only $3, so I figured it was worth a shot. They weren't as nice as my other pair, but they definitely worked. The cardigan ($12) was in Outfit 14, and the earrings ($5) in Outfit 4, Outfit 9, and Outfit 32
Total Cost: $32

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Outfit 32: Purple Sweater

In honor of GLAAD, and Spirit Day, I wore my purple sweater! I'll admit that I've been hesitant to even voice my opinion on gay rights, but I can proudly say that I am a supporter. So, today's outfit is for that!

Sweater: Target - $8
The purple sweater was a clearance find at Target this past winter. I spent multiple days going through all of the clearance racks for amazing finds, and this was one of them! It was only $8, and I love the pattern and cut, and the weight of it! It's a perfect winter sweater, and it's the only purple sweater I have!
Bracelet: Gift
My bracelet was a gift from my aunt, and she gave this to me as a birthday or Christmas present a few years ago. I have very small wrists, so she had to resize it for me, but I LOVE it. It has gorgeous stones in it, and the wire wrapping she did is incredible. It matched the purple exactly- and it's a great piece of jewelry for winter time!

My boots ($5) were in Outfit 31, and my jeans ($20) were in Outfit 12 and Outfit 18. My earrings ($5) were in Outfit 4 and Outfit 9. This outfit was comfy, but not a favorite of mine. Maybe I can wear a dress tomorrow, despite the cold :)
Total Cost: $38

Outfit 31: Blue Shirt and Black Ankle Boots

Since we were headed to church, even though it was a casual Sunday, I wanted to wear my boots since I brought them along! So to match the rest of the outfit, I went for comfort and style in layers. Perfect again for the mountains!

Shirt: Village Thrift - $3
The blue long-sleeve shirt is from my favorite thrift store, Village Thrift, and I got it for $3 last spring! It's J Crew, and what I've found is that it's held it's shape incredibly well. I love this shirt- it's very flattering and comfy! It works perfectly for my layering idea too, and looks awesome with a white tank top underneath it!
Boots: Village Thrift - $5
I found my boots at my favorite local thrift store when I went shopping with my family last weekend. I had just gone into the thrift store the night before and bought a different pair of boots, but when I went in again the next day they had just gotten these boots! I couldn't see the price on the bottom, so after I tried them on and justified why I was buying yet another pair of boots I had to ask the cashier how much they were. She said they were $5, and she had just put them out! I bought them immediately. They are so pretty, and so warm! I am in love with these shoes.

My jeans ($12) are in Outfit 6, Outfit 11, Outfit 22, Outfit 24, and Outfit 28. My necklace was in Outfit 14 and Outfit 25. My earrings were the same as the day before- so they were in Outfit 5 and Outfit 30. This outfit was great for the day- but I was happy to change into sneakers and a t-shirt for a hike in the woods!
Total Cost: $20

Outfit 30: Off-White Sweater and Amber Bracelet

I wore this outfit for our first day in Asheville, NC! Spending fall break in the mountains was heavenly. On Saturday, we went to downtown Asheville to walk around the city and enjoy the gorgeous fall weather. There was an art festival there, so we stayed there for a while before heading on to do other things!

Shirt: Forever 21 - Gift

My mom got me the shirt/sweater for Christmas about two years ago, and I have to say I wasn't sure about it at first. But once I put it on, I fell in love. It's so warm and cozy, and I love that it has a hood! The design is fun- it's not something I would have picked out for myself, but I really like it now that it's grown on me. This was a perfect top for a day in the mountains- light enough for the sun, but warm enough to keep the wind out!

Amber bracelet: Gift
My bracelet is the newest addition to my wardrobe. When we were out at the art festival, we stopped to look at the jewelry that one of the venders had. It was all handmade, for very reasonable prices, and was great quality. Since my aunt and sister make a lot of jewelry, I'm pretty familiar with the terms and some of the materials. Also, I LOVE geology (my dream job would be to be a geologist), I know a lot about minerals and rocks and such. This one bracelet my boyfriend's mom picked up and was talking about, since it had a piece of amber in it. She held it against my arm, and then said that she was going to get it for me! I was so flattered and surprised- it's a gorgeous piece of jewelry, and it was such a sweet gesture. I've been admiring it since!

My jeans ($40) were in Outfit 3, with my belt, and my tank top ($8) was in Outfit 18. My boots were in Outfit 19. The earrings I wore for this outfit were in Outfit 5! This outfit was great for a casual day in the mountains! 
Total Cost: $48

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Outfit 29: Magenta Boyfriend Tee

I couldn't decide what to wear today, as the forecast was for rain, but I didn't want to just throw on a t-shirt and jeans. So my boyfriend suggested I wear one of my v-neck tee's (I have 4...) , since they're so comfy! So, that's what I went for this morning!

Shirt: Target - $4

 I got the v-neck on clearance from Target this winter. They still sell this style at regular price, but they change the colors every season, so this was way marked down! It was either $4 or $2, but I can't remember. I absolutely love this color- it's so vibrant and pretty! I like the little pocket on it- it's very cute.
Earrings: Claire's

My earrings are from Claires, and I can't remember how much they were or when I got them! I love the colors, and I almost wore the necklace I wore yesterday, but I figured I should try something new instead :)
Ring: Forever 21 - $5

My ring is of course from Forever 21! It was $5, and I really like that it has a stretchy elastic band- it's very comfortable. I obviously love that it's gold and sparkles! This was perfect for today- the darker gold is more subtle but it still makes a statement.

My jeans ($30) were in Outfit 5 and Outfit 20. My boots were in Outfit 18 and Outfit 21. My cardigan ($2.50) was in Outfit 1 and Outfit 24. I really liked this outfit for today, and was very comfy! And considering it rained it was good to have the boots to keep my feet dry and my jeans from getting frayed on the bottom! 
Total Cost: $41.50