Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Outfit 27: Black and Gold Strapless Sundress

 Today's outfit was pulled out of the closet specifically because it was so warm today! I really like the neutral colors, as I love to use gold accessories. I would love to put on a pair of gold heels to wear this outfit out, but that was not appropriate for classes and meetings today! So I settled for my trusty sandals.
Dress: H&M

I bought the dress years ago on sale at H&M. I have no idea how much I paid for it, though I can't imagine it was a lot. The fabric is heavier, so it worked really well for today's weather- cooler in the morning and warmer in the day. It has an interesting waist- which is why I added the belt! But I love how flowy the skirt is, and how comfortable the material is.
Necklace: Gift
My necklace was a gift from my beloved piano teacher. I took lessons for 11 years, and when I came to college I made it a point to keep in touch with my piano teacher and her husband. They are the set of grandparents that I never had (both my grandfathers passed before I was old enough to remember, so it's nice to have that family feeling), so I treasure them greatly. They are constantly showering me with love, and one of the gifts that they gave me was this necklace! It's so pretty, and I love that it's silver and gold, so I can easily where it with anything.

The shoes were in Outfit 1, Outfit 2, Outfit 4, Outfit 10, Outfit 11, Outfit 13, Outfit 14, Outfit 24, and Outfit 26. I totally thought I'd worn this belt before for an outfit! But I haven't. It came with a shirt from Forever 21 that I paid $7 for. I love it! The cardigan ($7) has been in Outfit 4, Outfit 10, and Outfit 26. And finally, my earrings ($15 in a set) were in Outfit 11 and Outfit 19. My ring ($5) was in Outfit 13. This outfit was great for today, but I'm looking forward to wearing jeans tomorrow! I've had enough dresses for a little while :)
Total Cost: $27  

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